About Us


Vision, Mission, Objectives & Values

Our Vision: We enable and inspire a better global society through our visionary research.

Our Mission: To develop a healthy society where people are connected with each other through network of ideas and knowledge sharing. 

Values: Our mission is guided by key values:

  • We value high quality research, teaching, and practice in the field of management.
  • We advocate and cultivate ethical behavior in all of aspects of our research.
  • We provide a dynamically supportive community for all of our members, embracing diversity of backgrounds, experiences, thinking and exposure.
  • We respect all the voices of our members and give appropriate importantce to their valuable idea.

Cooperative networking with many  other institutions is one of our key value, that leads us to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, generating more knowledge and management ideas for the betterment of humanity.

 Areas of Strategic Intent

  • Leadership and leadership development
  • Managment Aspects
  • Governance and administration
  • Human Resource Managment and Development
  • Organizational behaviour and OD
  • Universally integrated knowledge development, management and utilisation.


1. Leadership and Leadership Development

  • Utilize various steps recommended by existing body of knowledge from trait leadership till modern era of understanding, which helps us to enhance comprehension of the field.
  • Define leadership and leadership development related aspects for the efficient and effective implementation in organisations.
  • Facilitating learning and transfer of knowledge from academia to industry.

2. Professional Impact

  • Generate a strategy to align the minds of the world for the purpose of resource development, scholarship and such like services.
  • Gather data and explore the issues in real time management in organisations
  • Link the colleagues and all the stakeholders through discussion and communication related to the professional effect of the knowledge and ideas.
  • Think beyond research papers and visualise the future impact of the research in management.

3. Academy of Research (AOR)

  • Come up with a platform in order to analyse the structure of the existing knowledge about management by collecting the pieces of knowledge from all over the world.
  • Develop and paper for the academicians of the world to think closely.
  • Provide services and unleashing the creativity through differences of opinion and perception.
  • Keep moving forward through various dues and fees related to membership and services.
  • Consistently using AOR as a plate-form to amplify voices at different fora through publishing journal issues and conference.